Kamis, 03 Maret 2016

J E A L O U S?

Here I am, jealous again over the person who isn't even mine.
This jealousy just sucks because sometimes you have no reason at all to be or...sometimes you just don't have the right to be.

I saw you laugh with her
But it was fine
It was supposed to be fine
She was my friend
She was your friend
Not anything else
But, the one that worst is knowing that we are "just friend" too
Right? So why my heart couldn't accept it?
So why you are never realize me than?
What i am afraid of is about you are falling in love with me, another dude
Than i just want to keep you in front of me, so i could see whatever you do, whatever you see, whoever you talk to
I don't know, why i could be jealous over like that
My heart just said, maybe because its you
Because i feel like you are different
Because i feel like you are just unique
Because everything you do just awesome
So here are some of my madness mind(?)

I’m jealous, I’m possessive. I’m not ashamed to admit it. But now I find myself jealous of more than just another person. Don’t get me wrong, I’m jealous of her. Now I’m jealous of so much more…

I’m jealous of your bed because it gets to greet you after a long day and stays with you when you don’t feel like being a human, instead of me. I’m jealous of your blankets because they get to wrap around you at night to keep you safe and warm, instead of my arms. I’m jealous of your phone because it gets to feel the careful ministrations of your fingers and it’s always safe in your hands. I’m even jealous of the music you listen to because it is there for you when you’re bored, or sad, or so empty inside that nothing but the words of the songs you love can fill you back up. So when I say I’m jealous, it’s not just that I’m jealous of her, I’m jealous of anything and everything that occupies the moments of your time.

LOL OKAY? Hahaha thats my abstract mind guys, thats not important anymore hehehehe and sorry for my broken grammar(?)

NB : Btw, doakan uts  kali ini yaaaapppsss, udah memasuki masa2 ujian2 yang melelahkan banget niiihhhh, tiap minggu bakalan ada ujian terus, tugas tetap aja, kegiatan padat mele, unit terus lanjut fufufufu doakan semoga semester 2 ini bisa jauuuuuuuhhhh lebih baik, okay?! BYE :*

Minggu, 24 Januari 2016

First, Hello!

Dia muncul lagi.
Aku pernah terlupa bahwa dia pernah ada dalam cerita hidupku
Karna memang bukan cerita spesial
Sekarang kenapa dia muncul?
Aku fikir ini hanya kebetulan? Benarkah?
Atau memang karena kesamaan beberapa hal sehingga kita bertemu kembali?
Yang jelas sekarang dan dari kemarin-kemarin
Makhluk bernama "dia" itu ada didekatku
Yap disisiku
Semenjak dia muncul lagi
Ada hal yang aku rasa berbeda
Dibandingkan waktu yang sudah lama itu
Hm awalnya aku pikir aku hanya senang
Aku hanya bersyukur
Aku hanya gembira menatap wajah "dungu" itu kembali
Disisi lain aku bingung
Semakin dia selalu ada bersamaku
Semakin dia dekat denganku
Semakin dia mengisi hariku
Semakin dia buat aku bahagia
Tertawa, bahkan sampai sebal sekalipun
Yang aku rasa hanya
Aku nyaman dekat dia
Aku mau dia terus didekatku
Bahkan sampai sekarang aku tak tau
Judul apa yang harus aku sematkan
Pada ceritaku dan dia?
Hanya tak mau terlalu terburu-buru menyimpulkan semua perasaan labilku ini
Dan mengulang kesalahan yang lalu
Tidak, aku tak mau lagi
Sekarang, i only know that
Setiap ada dia
Aku tak bisa mengalihkan pandanganku ke orang lain
Setiap ada dia
Aku tak bisa melihatnya sebagai dia yang dulu
Setiap ada dia
Ada rasa yang meledak-ledak tak terdefinisikan

The only one that i know today is about "I can't take my eyes off him"

Yeay, feel so right that im already post my first in that blog
Sebenernya cerita yang ga penting diatas udah lama banget dibikin tapi baru dipos sekarang huhu
Semoga aku bisa terus posting cerita2ku di blog ini
Dan maaf kalo hanya cerita yg tak penting lainnya akan menyusul cerita diatas
Blog ini aku buat memang untuk my another diary kok, jadi maklumi aja ya
Dan mungkin juga buat improve perasaan aku lewat menulis, that sounds great!
Okay thankyou my first post💜